Week Recap: January 21-27, 2013

Tuesday’s workout was on the treadmill at the gym since my treadmill is busted. I had to skip Thursday’s workout because my wife was out of town and I could not leave them at home alone. I’ve tried it before and they always find a way to slip out of their cages (just kidding).

Sunday was a long 18 miler. Started and finished on the big hill. It was snowy and icy conditions but the weather warmed up.

Tuesday’s Workout:
Fast is 7:45 – 7:55 pace per mile. Keep the rest at 90 seconds to work on your endurance
2.00 Miles Slow
1.00 Miles Fast
1:30 Slow
1.00 Miles Fast
1:30 Slow
1.00 Miles Fast
1:30 Slow
1.00 Miles Fast
1:30 Slow
1.00 Miles Fast
1.00 Miles Slow


Training for Shamrock 2013

2013 Goal – Complete a full marathon. I selected the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach on March 17th to be my first full marathon.

I have been using a training program I found on RunKeeper. It is a 16 week program that has me running Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I set my goal time of sub 3:45. Below is the summary of the plan. This section will describe about my progress. (more…)

I miss my treadmill already

Last night was the first time I have had to go to the gym to get a run in. I waited until the boys were asleep so I would not miss any family time. 10:00 rolled around and I headed out into the 10 degree weather for the gym.

At that time of night,  and that temperature, there are not many people out for a workout.  Just one other brave soul trotting along on a treadmill. (more…)

Week Recap: January 14-20, 2013

This week marks the halfway mark of my marathon training.

Tuesday’s workout consisted of 2 miles slow (8:30 minute mile) then alternate between .25 mile fast (7:30 minute mile) and 2:09 slow for 16 of each speed. It finished with 1 mile slow. The total distance came to a little over 10 miles. I ran this at 10:00 PM so I was pretty beat when it was over. (more…)