My Boston Marathon Fueling Plan

My Boston Marathon Fueling Plan

Proper refueling and hydration during a marathon can mean the difference between hitting the wall and setting a new personal record. I am shooting for the latter of those two. My coach, Kyle Kranz, recommends a 300 calorie per hour fueling plan. My goal time for Boston is under three hours. So I need to make sure I have 600 to 900 calories on hand to fuel my run. I will also need to consider whether to utilize the water stations along the course or to carry my own hydration source. (more…)

March Training – 2015 Boston Marathon

March Training – 2015 Boston Marathon

More cold weather forced me inside for the majority of my runs in February. I did get caught up on some good shows on Netflix. Check out Peaky Blinders next time you need a show to binge-watch. The visuals and soundtrack were truly immersive. Back to running – In February, I got two nice long runs in. One was 19 miles, the other 18. Mixed in some tempo work and recovery runs along the way. I battled some foot pain, but I have that under control now (see article about my injury) and feel strong moving into March.


February Training – Boston Marathon 2015

February Training – Boston Marathon 2015


The first month of 2015 is in the books. I logged over 200 miles and started dialing in specific speed and hill training drills to prepare for Boston. The weather and darkness has kept me indoors on the treadmill. In January, I worked hard enough to blow fuses in my basement. Guess I am really giving my Sole F80 a workout! Or I need a new surge protector/supressor.

Moving into February, the training continues to evolve. Here is a summary of what Coach Kyle Kranz has planned for me: (more…)

January Training – Boston Marathon 2015

January Training – Boston Marathon 2015

The following is Coach Kyle’s synopsis of what we will be working on this month in preparation for Boston in April. It has been a nice balance so far and I have not felt beat up at all. The majority of my running has been on the treadmill since it has been cold, icy very dark when I get a chance to run. I don’t mind it since I have a TV with Netflix, wireless headphones, and water near by in my basement gym.